
The Builders and Defenders Database, featuring Dr. Angela Sutton

Video with the Nashville Chapter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. May 2024

Then and Now: A History of Black Nashville Part 1: North Nashville and the Pearl High School Story 

Video with Pearl High School Archivists and Alumni from the Nashville Public Library. August 2023.

Tennessee Voices: Angela Sutton, Fort Negley Descendants Project

Podcast with David Plazas, The Tennessean. August 2023.

Presented with President of the American Battlefield Trust, David Duncan, the President of the Friends of Fort Negley, Cyril Stewart, the president of the African American Cultural Alliance of Nashville, Jeneene Blackman, and the mayor of Nashville, John Cooper, May 2023.  Recorded live by Fox 17 News, Nashville. 

"Fort Negley, History and Preservation at a UNESCO Site of Memory"

Presented with Cyril Stewart, President of the Friends of Fort Negley to the Nashville Chapter of the League of Women Voters, May 2023.

“The Bass Street Community: Black Civil War Veterans, Residents, and Descendants in one of Nashville’s first Free Black Neighborhoods” 

Presented with archaeologists Andrew Wyatt and Clelie Cottle Peacock from Middle Tennessee State University at the Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture, Tennessee State University, February 2023. 

(Video is of the whole conference. Presentation begins at 2:17)

"Fort Negley's Builders & Defenders: Thousands More Names Discovered"

 Presentation with research assistant Jessica Fletcher and System Architect Jim Schindling to the Nashville Chapter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society to introduce work in progress on the Builders & Defenders Database. October 2022.

Interview with News Channel 4 WSMV. August 2022.

Fort Negley Descendants Project  Juneteenth

During the Juneteenth Celebration at the Tennessee State Museum, members of the Fort Negley Descendants Project discuss what Fort Negley means for the descendants of those that fought for and labored to build the fort, as well as what the future of Fort Negley means to Nashville and the Black community. The event was moderated by Angela Sutton of Vanderbilt University in discussion with Fort Negley descendants Gary Burke and Jeneene Blackman. June 2022.